How did it all come to this Sven asked himself as he was escorted down the network of tunnels.
If these prehistoric cave walls could speak...then they could distract the guards....
But that was just futile thinking. Were those stalactites or stalagmites....?
Also futile thinking but still a good question. And was it true that ducks' quacks did not echo?
It was all immaterial now....
Sven neatly assembled the salad on his dish, reserving a special space for the Icelandic steak pie advertised on the canteen menu...
His mouth watered with anticipation....
Double 0 Sven:Perfect....
Sven's plate was outstretched like an aircraft carrier ready to welcome an inbound plane.....
Intercom:Could Double 0 Sven please come to the Head of Intelligence's Office!!!!
Sven bit his bottom lip in disappointment....
The aroma from the canteen bid him farewell as it returned to base.....
Magnus:Glad you speedily made it here. I have a mission for you....There have been strange sightings around Öskjuhlíð.....
Magnus:And it has transformed the nearest residential area into a ghost town void of people...
Double 0 Sven:A what?
Magnus:How could is your knowledge of prehistory?
To be Continued...